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Wynwood Brownfields Sites City of Miami’s Brownfields Redevelopment Grant

One main focus of the grants was a redevelopment of the Wynwood East and West Parcels, which were designated as Brownfields Sites. These properties were historically occupied by large laundry and dry cleaning facilities, from approximately the 1920s until the 1980s. The historic operations left behind a mixture of separate-phase, non-aqueous Bunker C fuel oil and mineral spirits, dissolved gasoline and diesel fuel constituents, and dissolved chlorinated solvents. The Western parcel impacts offsite, beneath the adjoining roadways. The Eastern parcel impact extended beneath a historic building and an adjoining alleyway. The separate-phase, non-aqueous mixture covered approximately 1 acre on each of the Wynwood parcels.

EE&G’s services included performance of soil and groundwater assessment activities, preparation of a Site Assessment Report (SAR) and SAR Addendums, a Risk Assessment and Feasibility Study, an Engineering Solutions Design Report, and a Natural Attenuation Monitoring Only Plan. EE&G worked closely with representatives of the FDEP, Miami-Dade County DERM, and the EPA to make this Brownfields Redevelopment Project a success. EE&G assisted the Person Responsible for Brownfields Redevelopment (PRFBSR) in obtaining State-funded assistance for the Bunker-C fuel oil and chlorinated solvent impacts.

EE&G designed and installed an innovative, subsurface engineering barrier wall (HDPE), to minimize further offsite migration of the impact, which resulted in the issuance a “Comfort Letter” from DERM. EE&G’s efforts facilitated the sale and redevelopment of a blighted Brownfields Site in the City of Miami, upon which a new concrete batch plant was built in 2001. Following installation of the HPDE barrier wall, EE&G conducted a Natural Attenuation Monitoring Only Plan, and assisted the end-user (Metro Mix) in designing a deep well injection system to handle the storm water, as part of the engineering controls for the property. EE&G’s efforts also facilitated the sale of the eastern parcel to a group of investors, who are in the process of designing a mixed-use redevelopment project.

EE&G participated in public meetings, made presentations for private/public stakeholders, and served as a liaison between the City and the regulatory agencies.

